Moving Through: Money
Money is something in our world that is both ubiquitous and hidden. We are not “supposed” to talk about or think about money, it is considered “rude” or poor form to ask people about their relationships to money, and yet, it rules our everyday life in very concrete and undeniable ways. Since our basic survival is reliant on access to money for the most part in this society, the concept kicks up our nervous system’s defensive response system. Thinking, planning, and talking about our relationships to money can cause conflict both internally and externally that can sometimes be “too big” for the situation, even if that survival response has served us in the past. Those outsize responses can get in the way of healthy relationships with others, taking charge of our own finances, and keep us “frozen” in the past.
In this 1.5 hour workshop, we will work internally with our “money stories.” We will allow ourselves a chance to notice the moments that our bodies react as we think about our relationship to money. We will express these stories with our bodies, and then we will get a chance to ask for support around them. As we renegotiate our money stories, we can practice what it might feel like to feel supported and support each other without experiencing activation. What could we do if we were more present and connected together around money? What systems could we take down - internal and external? What jobs could we quit or create? How could we find joy in giving and receiving help? How could we work less? How could we be more joyful? What could we let go of to become more ourselves?
This workshop can be done alone, or with a trusted friend or two.
A 1.5 hour online movement & somatics course about relating to money